SVF - Seneca Valley Foundation
SVF stands for Seneca Valley Foundation
Here you will find, what does SVF stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Seneca Valley Foundation? Seneca Valley Foundation can be abbreviated as SVF What does SVF stand for? SVF stands for Seneca Valley Foundation. What does Seneca Valley Foundation mean?Seneca Valley Foundation is an expansion of SVF
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Alternative definitions of SVF
- St. Vincent Ferrer Grade School
- Simple Vector Format Vector graphics
- Temporary file
- Simple Vector Format
- Save, Benin
- Single Variable File
- Sundsvalls VindtunnelFörening
- Silicon Valley Fellowship
View 43 other definitions of SVF on the main acronym page
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- SFP Sunbelt Forest Products
- SSSI Sandman Software Systems Inc.
- SMC Smit Marine Canada
- SIL Saunders International Ltd
- SSPL Seahorse Seafood Processing LLC
- SMC Sports Medicine at Chelsea
- SJA St. Joseph Academy
- SCTF South Central Task Force
- SEL Strokes Exhibits LLC
- SWB Swirl Wine Brokers
- SNGC SN Gupta and Co
- SDUJS South Dakota Unified Judicial System
- SQL Sky Quest LLC
- SHP Startup Hub Poland
- SPSL Sports Plus Scheme Ltd